Tyler started on solid foods on November 19th. It was a very exciting Friday night here . . . Tyler first tried rice cereal. As you can see from the picture above, he now LOVES it and really enjoys his meals two times a day. He is still loving his bottles - certainly a good eater. This weekend we are hoping to try some vegetables - squash and sweet potatoes perhaps!
Also right before Thanksgiving, Tyler discovered that he can make raspberry noises with his mouth and really thinks this is hysterical. Really quite adorable except when he does it with a mouthful of cereal . . . quite the mess!
We headed up to New York early Thanksgiving morning and had a wonderful holiday. It was so terrific to see all our family and friends. Tyler, Stella and I were so lucky to be able to stay in NY for 11 days total. Thank you Grandma Ruzilla for being Tyler's nanny for the week! It was so nice not to rush to NY and rush back home. We finally felt like we were able to spend some quality time with everyone.
While in NY, Tyler learned to roll over from his back to his belly. He certainly was surprised when he accomplished that! He also loves to stand up and needs very little help when doing so supported by the couch. It really is his new favorite thing to do.
Other than that, we are all doing really well. Looking forward to the Christmas holiday and seeing everyone again real soon! Hugs and Kisses to All!!