We just returned from a quick and hectic trip to New York. Tyler was a trooper sleeping the entire way to and from NY, only waking once to eat some breakfast. We saw as many people as possible in the 42 hours that we were on Long Island. Tyler was lucky to have so many visitors, it was so wonderful to see everyone. We are so sorry if we did not see any of you but promise to make an effort to see everyone else on our next trip up in September.
On this trip, Tyler meet all of his Aunts and Uncles for the very first time. He also spent some quality time with all his grandparents, some who had not seen him since he left the hospital. All could not believe how big he has gotten and how much he has changed already in just two weeks. Tyler had two very special visits scheduled: he meet his great grandmother Fink and also his great, great aunt Oie. Both women are such important members of our families and we could not wait to introduce them to our son. Tyler is very fortunate to have them in his life.
With all the running around and company, we really enjoyed some down time. Tyler went for his first swim with his Dad. Although he did not like the cool pool water at first, once he was in and moving around, he really enjoyed it. He also loved playing with his two big cousins, Jake and Joey. Jake promises to teach Tyler how to play sports and video games and Joey cannot believe that Tyler does not eat pizza and only has milk at every meal!
We want to thank everyone that spent some time with us. We love you all and are blessed to have such incredible families and friends. Looking forward to seeing you all again soon!
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