
This is our first blog so bear with us as we learn how to best use it to keep everyone in the loop. We will do our best to stay current so check back often. We're so proud of our little guy and cant wait for him to meet each of you in person.

Love, Jackie & Dave

Friday, July 23, 2010

First Family Dinner - heading to our favorite Thai Restaurant


  1. This was our first true family dinner out yesterday, July 22, 2010. We had gone for a quick dinner last week but we all actually got showered and dressed for an evening out last night. Tyler did great at the restaurant (we went for Thai food in honor of our little guy!) - he slept the entire time and woke up right when we returned home. Looks like he is going to be a great dinner companion.

  2. congrats guys! Tyler is absolutly beautiful and Jackie and you are looking so happy! We can't wait to meet the little guy and i can't wait to put my hands on him! I miss those baby days!
    The Marinellos
