Happy Two Week Birthday Tyler! We cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. Sure, we are a little tired and have a bit of cabin fever (its been too hot to really venture outside), but the last two weeks have been incredible and the best time of our lives. We look forward to each day with Tyler and are so excited about the future.
Today, Tyler turned two weeks old and had his second visit with the pediatrician. She was VERY happy with his progress and our little man now weighs in at 9 lbs!! He certainly has inherited his mom's appetite! We have also gotten into a "routine", or as much of a routine as we could hope for. Tyler goes to sleep between 9 and 10pm and is up around 1am and again at 5am for a feeding. Then he sleeps until about 8:30am and the day begins. We consider ourselves lucky that at least he is consistent with his pattern and times.
Both Dave and I have been so fortunate to have some time off to spend with Tyler. We plan to really enjoy our last week all together before Dave returns to work on Monday. I am sure Tyler is going to miss hanging out with his Dad during the day and I know I am going to miss having Dave around to help change diapers!
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