
This is our first blog so bear with us as we learn how to best use it to keep everyone in the loop. We will do our best to stay current so check back often. We're so proud of our little guy and cant wait for him to meet each of you in person.

Love, Jackie & Dave

Monday, October 25, 2010

Another Great Weekend in New York!

We made a trip up to New York this past weekend which was of course jammed packed with events. Besides having a high school friend's wedding to attend on Saturday afternoon (thank you Grandma Dee Dee for watching Ty!), we had my cousin Chrissy's engagement party as well as Tyler's baptism. It was great since we were able to spend time with family both Saturday evening and then Sunday afternoon after the christening. We would like to thank everyone for coming to the church and celebrating afterwards with Dave, Tyler and I. We had a wonderful time and it was a special day for our family - we are so happy that we were able to share it with all of you. A special thanks to Tyler's godparents, Uncle Brian and Aunt Michelle. You guys are terrific and Tyler loves you both very much!

Tyler hit 15 weeks today. Since most of you who follow this blog just saw him this past weekend, I really do not need to tell you how big he has gotten. He is smiling all the time, making tons of noises and is really fun to play with. Although we are not sure, we think Tyler may be starting the teething process. He basically has his hands in his mouth all the time and would rather gnaw on his pacifier than suck on it. We'll see what happens!

While exhausted after our weekend, we are already looking forward to our next New York visit. See you all again at Thanksgiving time!

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