
This is our first blog so bear with us as we learn how to best use it to keep everyone in the loop. We will do our best to stay current so check back often. We're so proud of our little guy and cant wait for him to meet each of you in person.

Love, Jackie & Dave

Sunday, September 12, 2010

2 Months Old!

It's September 12th which means two things in our home . . . 1. It's Tyler's 2 month birthday and 2. It's football season! As you can see, Tyler is all set for the Sunday games!

We have had an adventurous two months with Tyler. We are excited to say he continues to sleep through the night (usually 11+ hours!). As you can see in the picture above, Tyler is now smiling on his own and doing it pretty often. He is also making a lot of new sounds. It is great for him to finally have another mode of communication other than crying.

Tyler is also awake a lot more during the day which is fantastic and super fun although, both Dave and I are usually exhausted come bedtime with all the entertaining we have to do all day long! In fact, Tyler is getting less fussy during the day - he has seemed to replace some of the crying with smiling!!

It is a rainy day here in Arlington, the perfect day for Tyler's first Sunday football viewing!!

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