
This is our first blog so bear with us as we learn how to best use it to keep everyone in the loop. We will do our best to stay current so check back often. We're so proud of our little guy and cant wait for him to meet each of you in person.

Love, Jackie & Dave

Sunday, January 23, 2011

6 months - a half a year already!

Obviously it was a busy holiday season since its been about 6 weeks since I posted an update. We are all doing well and had a very Merry 1st Christmas with Tyler. 2010 was certainly an exciting year for us and we cannot wait to see all the fun and new things that come with 2011!

To start back up where I left off, Tyler did in fact start vegetables on December 11. His first veggie . . . sweet potatoes . . . which he LOVES! He also really enjoys butternut squash and carrots but would rather steer clear of avocados and green beans - we tried! :) Apparently it must be orange for him to eat it.

Just last week, Tyler had his 6 month checkup and we thought it was a good time to try some fruit. Banana is probably his food of choice. Tonight we are going to give apples a try - such exciting stuff, I know! ;)

Speaking of the doctor, Ty got a terrific report! He weighed in at 18 lbs., 14 oz. and 27.5 inches long. Really getting to be a BIG BOY!! With that report, we switched out the infant car seat that only goes up to 22 lbs. and installed the big kid seat. Actually, if you scroll down you will see Tyler in his new car seat for his first ride out to dinner last night.

Still no teeth but I swear they are on the way! Dave says that I have been saying that since October but I really mean it this time - they're getting close!

Christmas was fantastic and of course busy up in New York. We really enjoyed spending Tyler's first Christmas with everyone. He was completely spoiled and loves all his new toys (some great pictures below of him playing). We had a very mellow New Year's Eve. Dave and I enjoyed a nice dinner at home after Tyler went to sleep.

Tyler is all smiles these days and really lets out some good laughs. He is "talking" up a storm. The most significant development as of this week is that he can sit up alone completely unattended! It is amazing how in just a few days he went from teetering over after 20 seconds, to being able to sit up and play independently.

We have been staying in touch with a lot of people lately via Skype. So if anyone else has it, email us because we would love to "call" you! Grandpa Gerry thinks it fantastic - he Skypes everyday from the office and says its the best thing since sliced bread!

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to update the Blog more - hopefully I stick to it! We hope everyone is doing well and we hope to see you all real soon!

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